Safety Manager, Building Developer in Hong Kong
Kevin分享修讀「環境及公共衛生管理理學碩士學位」課程得着之一,是學懂如何監察商場環境、制定應急政策及就管理方面提供專業意見。從課程中的公共環境衛生知識,亦豐富了他對行業的理解。 他認為不止大型企業,現時不少中小型企業亦開始關注環境保護及職安健等議題,行業發展前景不俗,有志投身者應把握入行良機。 Kevin認為一些專業資格, 如香港綠色建築議會認可的綠建專才(BEAM Pro)、美國International WELL Building Institute(IWBI)的健康建築認證專家(WELL AP)專業資格等, 可以配合課程所學,特別是必修科「公共衛生管理」及選修科「可持續發展管理系統」,對他在可持續發展及打造新興的健康建築範疇方面,如何從設計、運營和行為上進行優化增強了解,相信能為他未來的事業發展打下穩健的基礎。
Coordinator, Safety Operations, EHS, Universal Beijing Resort
I was very fortunate to complete my master's degree in EPHM, which improved my environmental, occupational health and safety, and related knowledge. During this year's study and life, my professional knowledge and communication skills have been systematically improved. At the same time, I have been exposed to more international platforms and obtained cutting-edge knowledge (?) in the field, which has enabled me to effectively use them in my current work, which is of great help to me.
大家好,我是BU EPHM專業2022年Spring intake的汪涵,很榮幸受邀做一個簡短的畢業分享。今年2月份我於BU畢業以後入職了中國電力工程顧問集團國際公司(CPECC)投資部,主要工作任務是拉美地區的海外投資專案分析。 能夠獲得這份工作與我在BU的Master經歷密不可分,因為我本科的專業是ACT,Master跨專業到我們EPHM專業,恰好我所應聘的職位要求就職者既有財務背景,又有環境相關專業的背景,這樣才能應對工作中遇到的一些專業問題,我就這樣成功得到了這份工作。在BU時所修讀的【Sustainable Management Systems】中的EIA部分,就是我們工作中在分析專案資料時經常遇到的,因為如今世界幾乎所有國家的工程建設類專案都需要EIA許可,這就使得我在做項目分析時相對於其他非專業背景的同事能夠更有優勢。 我們專業的就業前景其實非常廣泛,因為現在社會對多元人才的需求越來越高。所以大家在畢業後找尋工作時,不一定只focus環境、Public Health類工作,也可以結合自身優勢尋找尋一份合適自己能力的工作,這會讓大家在畢業後尋找工作時更有競爭力和更有價值。我的分享完畢,謝謝大家。
Former Client Support Officer with a multi-national company
My choice, of course, was motivated by my passion for health-related subjects that will position me to impact health-related issues worldwide.
I can proudly say that my goals were achieved because of the various modules I was taught during my MSc studies at Hong Kong Baptist University.
The MSc program title looks streamlined, but by getting into the program – I was able to experience and gain wider knowledge on various aspects that cut across health and environmental management.
EPHM program equips one with the right skills and knowledge on food law and safety, occupational health and safety, integrated waste management system, public health management, and much more.
One of the great benefits of studying the EPHM course, and precisely in HKBU, is that it creates a passion for excellence and respect for various cultures as an international student.
Senior Associate of Regional Economic Clusters in PwC
I benefited a lot from my one-year full time study of EHPM. It provides me with valuable learning on environmental protection and public health. It helped me to think deeper and broader in balancing between the economy and the environment through instructors’ insights and regular outdoor research. I was also taught a series of scientific methodologies, which is the key factor that leads me to bigger wins in the future.